How Much Do You Win In Roulette If You Hit A Number

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The goal of this post is to offer you the best roulette strategy ever.

The odds are stated in the form of x to 1, which means you’ll win x dollars for every dollar you’ve bet. For example, the single number bet offers a payout of 35 to 1. If you win, you’ll get your dollar back plus the $35 for the win. Do you want to play online roulette for real cash prizes in the US? Real Roulette with Sarati has maximum winnings of up to 64,500. With an RTP of 97.30% and a hit rate of 48.65%, you’ll love the thrill of watching the wheel spin and trying your luck at one of the world’s favorite casino games. You can play quick low stakes games with minimum bets of.25 or go big with a maximum bet of 1,000. 35 to 1 Payout in Roulette. When you are lucky enough to win a straight-up bet, the payout is only 35-1. Putting this into dollar terms, a winning $1 bet on the number 19 will result in a $35 profit when the true odds dictate that you should receive $37 instead. Taking this into consideration, you can calculate the house edge of Roulette. To calculate the payout of a single number bet on the European layout, you should know that the roulette table odds are 36 to 1. You should take away 1 from 36 to get 35, which is the payout rate. In a winning case scenario of a £10 single bet, you would win £350 (£10 x 35). Does the Zero have the lowest odds in roulette?

If one of the numbers hits you're paid $110. You've met your quota on the first spin. If you lose you HAVE to have $110.00. Do the same thing again. If you win you have exactly a $100.00 profit. Here's a table to show you how much to bet when you have x amount of money, how to bet, and how much profit you'll have if your number hits.

I read somewhere that roulette is the 3rd most popular table game in the USA. In Europe, roulette is THE most popular table game. I recently took a look at the roulette survey at Wizard of Vegas, and as near as I can tell from the table, there are about 300 roulette tables in Las Vegas. That’s a lot.

The most popular posts on this site so far have all been about the game. My post about the Hollandish system for roulette is the most-viewed post on the site, followed closely by my post about the best roulette systems. And while I’m proud of those posts, they don’t quite cover the subject I’m going to write about here today–the best roulette strategy ever.

It’s true that this is a game of pure luck.

But you can be a successful roulette player.

All you need to do is find other roulette players who’ve succeed and implement the same strategy.

This post explains how to do that.

The Best Roulette Strategy Is a Biased Wheel System

I’ve read multiple accounts of players who have won 6 figures or more using a biased wheel strategy. They’ve won this money in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, and Monte Carlo.

Here’s the thing about this game:

There’s no such thing as a flawless roulette wheel. All mechanical devices are slightly imperfect. If you can find a wheel that’s imperfect enough, you can get an edge over the casino.

The best roulette strategy involves writing down numbers as they come up during play. Eventually, you’ll find a wheel where some numbers come up more often than they should statistically.

When that happens, you’ve got ’em!

Think about this, too:

Casinos discard decks of cards and dice multiple times each day.


Because of their physical imperfections.

Roulette wheels have physical imperfections, too, but they’re too expensive to replace that regularly.

And even a wheel that’s close to perfect when it’s first bought and installed develops a bias after the wear and tear of regular use.

My plan for the rest of this post is to look at a few examples of players who’ve used this “best roulette strategy” to see how they did it:

  • How much time did they spend “clocking” these wheels?
  • How did they bet once they detected a bias?
  • What kind of bankroll did they have to begin with?
  • How much money did they bet?
  • And how much money did they win?

How Much Money Did Vladimir Granec Win Playing Roulette?

Vladimir Granec Won money playing roulette at international casinos during the 1970s. Many huge, almost un-explainable casino losses were reported to Interpol and European police departments in France in 1975. Those complaints also started coming in from other countries, too, like Africa and Yugoslavia.

And it took these police years to catch up with Granec and his confederates.

In France in 1978, The Municipal Caisno in Canne and La Siesta in Antibes lost $3.2 million on their roulette tables. When you added in the losses on roulette from other French casinos, the total came to $6 million.

Of course, it’s not illegal to exploit a bias in a roulette wheel. It’s the casino’s responsibility to ensure their equipment works properly, and if they don’t, it’s on them.

But it IS illegal to create a bias in a roulette wheel, and that was apparently Granec’s big game. He had several confederates, at least one of whom was an expert mechanic. This mechanic was able to not only fix the wheel, but he was also able to “unfix” it after they’d won their money–leaving the casinos confused about what had happened.

To this day, no one knows how this crew got access to the roulette wheels to fix them. We do know what they did to fix them–they loosened the slots on the wheel to either side of the 20. (The 7 neighboring numbers were 9, 31, 14, 20, 1, 33, and 16.) To the croupiers, the player just seemed really lucky.

To try to thwart his luck, the croupier spun the roulette wheel faster, which had the effect of causing it to land in the desired series of numbers even more often than it should have.

Finally, in 1981, the police caught up with the ringleader of this scheme–Vladimir Granec–the so-called “King of Roulette.” He was a Czechoslovakian living in Munich. Granec had a storied career prior to his life as a roulette cheat–he’d been 2nd in command of the Czechoslovak Department of Radio Free Europe, owned casinos in both England and in Yugoslavia, and he ran a real estate business.

Vladimir Granec’s “Guidance” on What to Look for in a Roulette Number

They were finally able to arrest Granec in 1984. They took him to trial again in 1986 after failing to convict him in 1984. During his trial this time, he explained that he’d merely tracked where the ball landed. When he found a number that came up 10% more often than it was statistically supposed to, he started betting on it.

He was again acquitted.

The French courts were finally able to convict him when they found 3 of his confederates who were willing to testify against him. Each of them admitted that they’d worked for Granec in exchange for 2% to 20% of the winnings.

He was sentenced to 5 years in prison and charged a fine of $500,000.

But since he’d won over$10 million or more at the roulette tables, he’d come out way ahead. In fact, Vladimir Granec is the largest roulette winner in the history of the game.

This does not mean that I think the best roulette strategy is to cheat. But it’s hard to talk about biased wheels without telling the story of Vladimir Granec.

Watching the Wheels Go Round and Round

William Nelson Darnborough

Several winners demonstrated their best roulette strategies by just watching the wheel. One of them was William Nelson Darnborough. From 1904 to 1911 he beat roulette consistently. He won $415,000 from the Monte Carlo Casino alone. He was famous for how fast he placed his bets when the croupier started spinning the wheel.

Darnborough was a user of the “wheel-watcher system.”

Here’s how the wheel-watcher system works:

The bettor estimates the speed of the ball and the wheel relative to each other. Then he looks at the relative position of the ball compared to the numbers on the wheel. He then calculates the average point of fall for the ball. Once this is done, he immediately places his bet.

Users of the wheel watcher system lose more often than they win, but when they do hit a win, the amount compensates for the losses and then some.

They’re able to make these calculations within just 1 to 3 spins of the wheel.

The big trick was having a confederate or 2 to help place the bets. Otherwise, there’s not enough time to make the necessary mental calculations and place the necessary bets.

Edward Thorp

Another player to beat roulette was Edward Thorp, who’s better known for inventing card counting in blackjack. Thorp was a professor of both physics and mathematics at MIT. He and Claude Shannon, both professors, bought a regulation wheel in Reno, Nevada and set it up in Shannon’s basement.

They wrote an academic paper where they’d determined that they could reach a +15% expectation by betting on the 5 numbers they predicted the ball would land on–again, just by eyeballing the speed of the ball compared to the speed of the wheel. They were able to increase this to +44% by using a computer. (I should note that using a computer for such a purpose would be considered cheating in a real casino and would be illegal.)

You can read about their experiments in a book called The Eudaemonic Pie by Thomas A. Bass.

It recounts how in 1962, Thorp had already been banned from some casinos because of his card counting. But he used sunglasses and a fake beard as part of a disguise to get past this. And there were still some casinos where he hadn’t been banned.

Thorp and his friends spent a week at the Riviera. They had repeated problems with the wires in the microcomputers they were using, which were the size and shape of a cigarette case. They didn’t win at roulette and eventually gave up.

A later team of roulette players used the same principles with a computer that worked, though. They won $55,000 at the Valkenburg Casino in Holland. At another casino in Germany, the casino took countermeasures and stopped allowing players to make bets after the wheel had been spun.

It’s probably hard to become a wheel-watcher, but it’s probably not impossible, either. Laurence Scott wrote a book called How to Beat Roulette which explains a one-person and 2-person wheel-watcher system.

How Can You Become the Most Successful Roulette Player of All Time?

On an American roulette wheel, the probability of the ball landing on any specific number is 1/38.

If you can find a number where the ball lands 1/35 of the time, you’d have a clear bias. If you could find a number where the ball landed 1/30 of the time, you’d have a strong enough bias that you’d be playing at a significant advantage to the casino.

Here’s how the math works on that:

If the wheel is perfect, and the number comes up once every 38 spins, the house has an edge of 5.26%. You calculate that by taking a statistically perfect set of spins and averaging the amount lost per spin.

You win 35 to 1 on a single number bet, so your winnings (if you’re betting $100 per spin) would be $3500. But you’ll lose $3700 on your losing spins, for a net loss of $200. Averaged into 38 spins, you’re looking at an average loss of $5.26 per spin, or 5.26%.

But let’s do the math behind a number that comes up 1/30 of the time.

You’d win $3500 once, but you’d lose $2900 on the other 29 spins. That’s a net win of $600, or an edge of 15.78% over the casino. That’s a huge edge, by the way–far greater than you’d see counting cards in blackjack.

How to Find a Number that Comes Up More Often than It Statistically Should

But how do you find a number that’s actually biased?

In an average 8 hour session of play, you’ll see 300 to 350 spins on a roulette wheel. That’s not enough to accurately find a bias. In any set of 325 spins, about half the numbers on the wheel will come up more often than you’d expect. And half of them will come up less often than you’d expect.

That’s just variance.

Any given number then has a 50% chance of coming up more often than statistically likely during any given 8-hour shift.

But for a number to come up more often 2 days in a row, the probability becomes 50% X 50%, or 25%. For it to come up 3 days in a row, the probability drops to 12.5%.

This is just the probability that a number is coming up more often than it “should” just because of random chance.

Creating a Roulette Betting System Based on This

The casino provides cards for tracking which numbers come up as you’re playing. You’re going to keep track of how many times a specific number has come up.

After the first spin, the ball will have landed on a number once. That number is the number you bet on the next spin, because it’s the number that has come up most often. It’s unlikely that this number has a bias, because the wheel is still random.

When another number comes up, you switch to that number.

But as soon as a number has come up twice, you start betting on that number until another number has come up twice. Then you switch again.

Once a number has come up 3 times, it becomes the theoretically most likely number, and you switch to that number.

You continue to switch to the number that has come up most often throughout your time on the wheel.

The more spins that are made, the likelier it is that you’re betting on a biased number, increasing your probability of winning.

It might take several days of play for this system to bear fruit, but when it does, you can make a lot of money. Winning 35 to 1 on a 29 to 1 event is an advantage that most gamblers dream of.

This betting system comes from the book Beating the Wheel: Winning Strategies at Roulette by Russell T. Barnhart.

Keep in mind that this isn’t a foolproof system. You might be playing on a wheel that isn’t biased. You might be playing on a wheel that is biased, but you might still be unlucky.

Roulette Bankroll Management Guidelines

Of course, to place this many roulette bets, you’d need a bankroll sufficient to cover the action. At a $5 table, if you lost every spin, you’re looking at $1500 to $1750 in losses per day. (This assumes you’re playing for 8 hours day.)

Your goal, too, is to stay in action until your long-term edge kicks in. This means you don’t want to go broke just because you were unlucky. Even if you’re betting on a number that’s statistically more likely to come up, you could go broke during a cold streak.

In blackjack, card counters use “risk of ruin” as their guideline for how big a bankroll they need. They set a goal of 80%, 90%, 95% or 99%, which is their probability of NOT going broke before they run out of money. The number of betting units needed for each level goes up as your probability of not going broke goes up.

To best avoid going broke before your edge kicks in, you should have at least 200 units to bet with, but 700 to 1000 units would be even better.

You should also avoid betting on a single number throughout your play, as it will become obvious to the casino what you’re doing.

One method of camouflaging your play is to bet on the target number, one additional random number, and make a columns bet on the column containing your target number.

This, of course, requires a larger bankroll than if you were just betting a single number every time, so if you’re a $5 bettor, try to have $3500 to $5000 in your total bankroll to play with.


I can’t guarantee that the best roulette strategy will result in you becoming the most successful roulette player of all time. Modern roulette wheels tend to be well-made, after all. If you’re searching for a biased wheel, you should go to a smaller casino that only has a single wheel. You should also keep in mind that a wheel might not be biased at all.

You can easily go broke playing roulette, and all the theory in the world isn’t enough to win if you’re consistently unlucky.

At any rate, I wish you luck on the Devil’s Wheel.

Horse racing wheel betting acts as a smart way for bettors to get just what they want out of their wagers on specific horse races. The technique allows you to spread bets around depending on what you really like in a race. There are many different ways to do this, but you have to expect to wager a little more than you would if you were concentrating on single horses.

When you’re betting on horse races, the ideal strategy is one where you can get the most bang for your betting buck.

In other words, you should be trying to risk as little money as possible while still giving yourself the chance to win the bet and make as much money as possible. Wheel horse betting is one of the strategies that hardcore horse bettors use to get that done.

In the following article, we’ll tell you all you need to know about how horse wheel betting works. We’ll explain what bets are used with it and the different types of wheel techniques. We’ll also explain its advantages and disadvantages and answer your most frequently asked questions about wheel horse betting.

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What Is a Wheel Bet in Horse Racing?

If you’re a newcomer to horse racing betting, you might only think that you can only make bets on single horses in single races. But there are races where you can pick multiple horses in a single race or over multiple races. These are known as “exotic bets,” and they are the wagers where wheel horse betting comes into play.

Here are common exotic bets that can be found in the world of horse racing wagering for real money:

  • Exacta: Betting on the first two horses in the order of finish in a race
  • Trifecta (or Triple): Betting on the first three in the order of finish in a race
  • Superfecta: Betting on the first four in the order of finish in a race
  • Daily Double: Betting on the winners of two consecutive races
  • Pick 3, Pick 4, and so on: Betting on the winners of many consecutive races

Exotic bets are favored by many horse racing bettors because they can allow to win more money on a single wager than straight bets. Straight bets, like win, place and show, concern only one horse in a single race.

How Wheel Bets Work With Exotic Wagers

The simplest way to make an exotic bet is to only bet on the number of horses required to win the bet. For example, if you bet a 1-2 exacta in a race, that would mean that you would win he wager if the #1 horse won the race and the #2 horse finished second. Any other outcome in the race would mean that you would lose the bet.

The problem with this is that it is extremely difficult to narrow down a wager in this way.

Horse races are extremely unpredictable, and a lot of things can upend your bet and cause it to be a loser. That can be why many people avoid exotic bets.

Betting the wheel in horse racing solves this problem in a way because they allow you to cover more of the fields in a race or multiple races on your exotic bets. You have more chances to win these bets, which can pay off quite nicely, than if you were just limiting yourself to a small number of horses. Let’s break down exactly how to bet a wheel in horse racing.

Wheel Bet Example

Imagine that there is a race with eight horses competing, and you want to bet the exacta (picking the first two in the order of finish). You feel pretty confident that the #1 horse is the one who will win the race. But you aren’t quite sure which of the other horses is going to finish second.

You can choose to “wheel the field” with #1. That would mean that you would win the wager if the #1 horse wins and any other horse finishes second.

In other words, all of the following outcomes would result in your winning the wager:
  • 1-2
  • 1-3
  • 1-4
  • 1-5
  • 1-6
  • 1-7
  • 1-8

Wheeling the field in this manner will allow you to bet on what you’re sure of and kind of hedge on the aspect of the race where you’re doubtful. Doing this gives you a much better chance of winning your wager than if you were picking only two horses.

The Cost of Horse Racing Wheel Bets

Just based on that example, it might seem like horse wheel betting a no-lose proposition. Why wouldn’t you cover as much of the field as possible, giving you many more chances to win what can be an extremely lucrative wager?

Well, the problem with wheeling bets is that you have to pay for every part of it.

Let’s go back to that example above, where we wheeled the field with the #1 horse “on top” (meaning that you expect that horse to win the race).

When you wheel the field like that, you are essentially making seven different wagers. The 1-2 is a bet, the 1-3 is a bet, and so on. Even though you are only making what seems like a single bet, you are paying a much higher price to do it.

If you were making the $2 minimum wager that is common in the world of horse racing, that would mean you’d have to bet $14 to wheel this field. Why?

  • 7 bets
  • $2 per wager
  • 7 times 2 = $14

And that’s why betting the wheel in horse racing might not be for everyone, especially for those on a stricter betting budget. If you lose the bet, you are taking a much bigger hit than someone who was only playing a simple two-horse exacta wager. And even if you win, you are cutting into your profits with the size of the wager.

Different Ways to Use Wheel Bets in Horse Races

The example above for horse wheel betting is a bit of an extreme, in that you are wheeling the entire field. But there are different ways to use wheel bets that aren’t quite as expensive and still give you some great value. And the way to do that is to narrow down the field.

Let’s go back to our sample race with eight horses. You still love that #1 horse to win, but aren’t sure who you think will come in second. And you’d like to make a wheel bet, but don’t want to make as high of a bet as it would take to wheel the field.

You could make what’s known as a partial wheel bet. Instead of picking every horse as the second part of the bet, you could narrow it down to a few horses. That would drop the size of the bet.

Let’s say you think that the second-place horse will come down to the #3, #5, or #7 horses in the race. You can have the wheel include only those horses, and you would win with the following outcomes:
  • 1-3
  • 1-5
  • 1-7

As you can see, there are only technically three bets here, which means that you would have to bet only $6 to initiate this partial wheel. Compare that to the $14 in our example above.

Partial wheels can be deployed in many different ways. And you can use them in exotic bets where you are using more than two horses. Read on to find out how.

Creative Wheel Horse Racing Betting

Up to now, we’ve kept it simple in talking about wheel bets. But as we showed above, there are many different types of exotic wagers. And you can use the wheel in all of them.

Let’s move on to trifecta wagers, where you have to pick the first three in the order of finish. This can be a very lucrative wager, since there are more possible combinations and the pari-mutuel betting pools will be spread out more. But it’s a difficult wager to hit because of you have to have a lot go right to win.

Imagine that you want to make a trifecta wager on an eight-horse race, you want to cover as much of the field as possible, and you want to limit the size of your bet. You look at the race, and you feel pretty confident that the #5 is going to win and the #3 is going to finish second. But you aren’t sure how the rest is going to shake out.

You can simply involve those two horses and wheel the rest of the field. If you do, you would win the bet if the following outcomes occurred:
  • 5-3-1
  • 5-3-2
  • 5-3-4
  • 5-3-6
  • 5-3-7
  • 5-3-8

You can see that there are six wagers above. That means you’d need to make a $12 wager to enact this wheel bet. But considering that payback for trifectas can often run into the hundreds or thousands of dollars, this can be quite well worth it.

Multiple Horses in Different Parts of the Wheel

You can also get a bit more intricate with your wheel wagers by including multiple horses in multiple parts. Again, it’s just a way of narrowing the field and limiting your wheel horse racing betting while also still giving yourself the best chance to win.

For example, let’s say you want to bet the Daily Double at a particular track. In the first half of the Double, you narrow the field down to the #2, #4 and #7. And in the second half, you think the race will come down to either the #1 or the #7.

You can make a wheel up with all of those parts included. If you do, you would win if the following outcomes occurred:
  • 2-1
  • 2-7
  • 4-1
  • 4-7
  • 7-1
  • 7-7

As you can see, there are six bets there, which means you’d need to wager a minimum of $12 (6 times 2) to make this happen. Still, it’s not an astronomical bet, and the return that you get can really be quite impressive.

Keying Horses

A key bet is not really separate from a wheel bet. It’s just a different terminology used by some bettors to make it clearer what they’re doing. When you key a horse, it simply means that you are including it in every part of the exotic wager, with other horses kind of orbiting around it in the bet.

For example, imagine that you wanted to bet a trifecta where you were sure that the #6 would finish second in the race.

You could then play different horses in the first and third parts of the trifecta where you weren’t quite as sure.

Let’s say you though the #1 and #4 had the best chances of finishing first and the #5 and #8 had the best chances of finishing third. You could key the #6 in between, which would leave you covered if the following outcomes occurred:

  • 1-6-5
  • 1-6-8
  • 4-6-5
  • 4-6-8

Keyed horses can be an effective way to wager if you really feel strongly about one part of the wager. You can be as imaginative as you want with them, keeping in mind that the cost of the bet will increase the more horses you include around the keyed horse.

Strategies for Horse Racing Wheel Betting


This is a solid way to use wheel bets on either exacta or daily double exotic wagers. The idea behind it is to pick a horse that you think is a sure-thing favorite to win the race.

If you want, you can even wait to make this bet till right before the race so you can see if the public believes that one of the horses is by far and away the best. That way, you wouldn’t even have to do any handicapping.

You could wheel the favorite with the field in a single-race exacta or with the field of the second race of a daily double. Since heavy favorites don’t pay off very much to win, it’s a way to get a little more pop out of a sure thing.

Throwing Out Horses

This is the best way to keep your wheel bets down to a minimum cost. Take a look at a particular race involved in an exotic race. Usually, you’ll be able to find one or more horses that you don’t think will make any impact on the race whatsoever because they seem inferior to the rest.

If you “throw out” horses, it means that you won’t be including them on any of your horse racing wheel betting.

In doing this, you would be limiting your bets to those horses who have a legitimate shot. You can argue that being able to throw out horses is just as important as being able to spot the top horses, especially when it comes to wheel bets.

Singling Horses

This is an effective way to play bets like the Pick 4 or Pick 6, which are the among the hardest to hit but often pay off the most. When you single horses, you are basically picking just one horse from a race as part of all your wheel tickets. It’s similar to keying, but, with Pick 4’s, Pick 6’s, and the like, you might do it for several races.

For example, if you bet a Pick 4 and think that you have a good idea about who the winners of two of the four races will be, you can single them. You can then do either partial or full wheels for the other race. This tactic makes bets like these much more manageable.

More ways to winCan be costly
Puts high-paying exotic bets within reachWill cut into any winning profits
Allows you to throw out horsesMight be confusing for newcomers

How Much Do You Win In Roulette If You Hit A Numbers

Answering Your Questions About Wheel Betting

  • Not really. Straight bets (win, place, show) concern only one horse in one race. Hence, including multiple horses is essentially making multiple straight bets.
  • Can I Make Horse Wheel Bets at Online Sportsbooks?

    If a sports gambling site is devoted to or includes horse racing betting, it’s likely that you’ll have the ability to make wheel bets. These sites will want to give you all the options that you can find at the track.
  • What Happens if One of the Horses Involved in My Wheel Bet Gets Scratched?

    If it is a single-race wheel bet, you can usually get a refund for that portion of the bet. In the case of multiple-race wheel bets, you might be able to get a substitute horse, often the betting line favorite. But this depends on what the rules are of the bet as provided by the track involved.
  • What's The Difference Between a Part Wheel Bet and a Full Wheel Bet?

    There are two types of wheel bets for horse racing, the Full Wheel (or just 'Wheel') and the Part-Wheel.

    A part wheel horse racing bet is when the bettor chooses one horse to finish in a specific position, plus some of the other horses in the race to finish in the remaining positions that qualify on the type of bet.

    A traditional Wheel bet is placed when the bettor chooses one horse to finish in a specific position, with all other horses in the race combined to finish in the remaining positions that qualify on the type of bet.

  • Absolutely. While the minimum bet in horse racing is usually $2, you can definitely raise the bet. Doing so will raise the amount of your payback as well.

How Much Do You Win In Roulette If You Hit A Number 1

Learn About Other Popular Horse Racing Bets

How Much Do You Win In Roulette If You Hit A Number One

Wheel betting is just one of many ways to enjoy wagering on horse races. Here are some other pages that will take a deeper look into the betting strategy behind popular horse racing bets.